Emanuela Masini, born 1953, has co-authored over 200, high profile papers published in international peer-reviewed journals, and at least a 100 of them carry the word histamine in the title. She is Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Florence, Director of the Toxicological Unit at the Careggi Hospital in Florence, Director of the Centre for Higher Education on Environmental Risks and Prevention and of the School of Medical Toxicology. But there is much more to be told about Emanuela Masini. Her curiosity and insatiable eagerness to explore new scientific venues and implement new experimental protocols has always been contagious among her collaborators, both with the young and more experienced ones. Always supportive of her doctoral students, she always would give words of encouragement when failure strikes in the laboratory or when personal problems arise.
A truly talented lady, Emanuela Masini has a flair for the unusual and used her scientific knowledge to other ends, writing two interesting and ‘enticing’ books Cioccolata, alimento del gusto, della salute e del piacere (Chocolate, a nourishment for taste, health and pleasure) and Te’, bevanda euforizzante, infuso terapeutico, disciplinato piacere (Tea, a euphoric drink, a therapeutic infusion and disciplined pleasure). Last but not least, Emanuela is a regular member of our society and has hosted meetings in 2007 and 2016.