History of the Society

The EHRS is a non-profit making association of scientists and physicians interested in histamine. The aim of the society is to promote knowledge and research within all aspects of histamine and related fields.

What makes us special?

  1. We bring together people from many different disciplines; Chemistry, Pharmacology, Physiology, Molecular Biology, bioinfomatics and Clinical research who are all interested in histamine
  2. Our members come from all over the world and we collaborate with a number of national histamine research societies
  3. We are a small, focussed, research-intensive and very friendly society
  4. The scientific sessions are characterised by questions from people who are really interested in the work and these often foster new ideas and long-lasting collaborations.
  5. We encourage and support throughout the annual conference, and during the year, collegiality and a collaborative spirit across the whole Society membership.
  6. At our conference farewell dinner, the historical perspective and collegiality is maintained through reciting our unique Society anthem penned by our Honorary member, Professor Anita Sydbom.
  7. Our proceedings are published every year in a special supplement of our Society journal, Inflammation Research


Current Statutes of the Society

The EHRS is a non-profit making association of scientists and physicians interested in histamine.

The aim of the Society is to promote knowledge and research within all aspects of histamine and related fields. Further aims include gathering new information about histamine, encourage publications and stimulate contacts and collaborations between scientists in Europe.

This society is registered according to the law from 25th October 1919, modified according to the laws from 6th December 1954 and 30th June 2000.


The EHRS is active throughout Europe, in geographical and intellectual but not political terms.

Its legal seat will be in Brussels, Belgium. The legal address is; Avenue du Haras, 111, B-1150 Bruxelles Belgium.

Its business period extends from one annual meeting to the next.


There are three types of members, all of whom are entitled to be invited to the annual meetings (including the General Assembly) and to receive all relevant information. They are encouraged to submit the results of their scientific studies preferably to the organ of the Society. (presently “Inflammation Research”).

Ordinary Members:

Membership is open, on application to the President and on approval by both the Council and General Assembly, to all scientists and clinicians engaged in histamine research. Ordinary membership carries voting rights at the General Assembly. Ordinary members are expected to attend the annual meetings. Ordinary membership ends automatically if the member does not pay membership dues for two consecutive business periods.

In addition, exclusion with immediate effect of an ordinary member may be effected by a ballot of both the Council and General Assembly and requires a majority vote of 2/3. If this process is to occur, the member should be informed prior to taking the decision and be able to present his/her defense.

Corporate & affiliated members:

Membership is open to all organizations and individuals who express an interest in writing and who are not rejected by the President and Council. The President or the Treasurer will negotiate the financial contribution of the prospective corporate or affiliated member.

These types of membership do not carry voting rights at the General Assembly and can cease at the end of the current EHRS business period after written notice to the President.

Honorary (Life) members:

They should be elected by at least 2/3 of members present at the General Assembly after nomination by the President and approval by the Council. Honorary members do not pay membership dues but have voting rights.

Ordinary, affiliated and honorary memberships end at the end of the current business period on the death of the individual member or on liquidation for corporate members.

The General Assembly

The General Assembly of members is held at every annual meeting. it ultimately decides all aspects of matters affecting the Society, and particularly considers the reports from the President, Treasurer, Auditors, Publications Secretary, and Organizer of the current meeting and also the acceptance of invitations and appointment of the Organizers for forthcoming meetings. It elects the officers and councilors of the Society and decides on amendments to the statutes. It decides the amount of membership dues.

The Officers

– President

The President is elected, by secret vote if there is more than 1 candidate, by the General Assembly after nomination by the Council or from the floor for a three-year period with the option of re-election for a maximum of one further three-year period.

The President chairs the meetings of the General Assembly, of the Council and of any Advisory Group. He/She represents EHRS in Public, keeps the EHRS records, prepares the agenda for those meetings and submits a report from the meetings and activities within three months of the meetings.

The President will keep a list of names, addresses etc of all members of the Society.

In case of hindrance, the President will be substituted by the Treasurer, and vice versa.

If necessary the President and/or Treasurer or one of the Council Members will represent the EHRS in court.

– Past-President

After the end of term of office as president of EHRS he/she automatically stays in office one more year as past president in parallel with the newly elected president to aid in all presidential duties. During this time he/she is a full member of the council with all voting rights.

– Treasurer

The Treasurer is elected, by secret vote if there is more than 1 candidate, by the General Assembly after nomination by the Council or from the floor for a three-year period with the option of re-election for a maximum of two further three-year period.

The Treasurer keeps the financial records and the bank account for the Society, particularly with respect to membership dues and donations from outside including eventual surpluses from meetings.

He/She is encouraged to raise funds and shall present an account of the finances of the Society at each General Assembly. The Treasurer is controlled annually by two independent auditors who shall be appointed from the floor by the Council or the General Assembly. Their term of office will normally be two years, with the option of re-election for a maximum of two other two-year periods.

– Publications Secretary

The Publications Secretary is elected by the General Assembly, by secret vote if there is more than 1 candidate, for a three-year period with the option of re-election for a non-limited number of further one-year periods after nomination by the Council and on agreement with the publishers of the organ of the EHRS. He/She is responsible for the appropriate publication of the proceedings of the Society. To this effect he/she will together with the publishers set formal criteria and deadlines for the submission of manuscripts. He/She will appoint referees to help with the editorial work and should give a short report to the General Assembly. His/Her expenses should be covered by the publishers.

The Council

The Council shall sit at each annual meeting. It will consist of the officers of the Society (President, Treasurer and Publications Secretary) plus 5 ordinary members, one of whom must be from Belgium. The council member from Belgium can, after the first three years in office, be re-elected annually with no limit to the number of years served.

The ordinary members of the Council replace the former National Secretaries and will together with the Officers of the Society (shall) be responsible for the administration of the Society.

Council members shall be elected, by secret vote if there is more than 1 candidate, at the annual General Assembly.

The mandate of ordinary Council members is limited to one three-year period. The Ordinary members should represent as many fields of research as possible. Council membership should rotate through different countries.

The ordinary Council will assist those who are interested in histamine and related fields, obtaining information about the activities of the EHRS, including the name and address of the Organizer of the next meeting.

Advisory Group

The President may appoint up to 6 members covering different scientific interest to advise the Organizer of a forthcoming meeting by:

  • Suggesting topics for symposia, workshops etc.
  • Evaluating the abstracts for presentation
  • Helping the Publications Secretary in refereeing the manuscripts submitted for the publication of the proceedings.

Annual Meetings

Traditionally, the annual meetings are held in May. The organizer of a forthcoming annual meeting of the EHRS and his/her invitation should be confirmed by the General Assembly after review by the Council. The Organizer must declare his/her ability and facilities make the appropriate arrangements and must accept financial liability for that particular meeting.

Amendment of the Statutes/Dissolutions of the Society

An intention to amend these statutes or to dissolve EHRS must be announced to the members before the deadline for early registration for the next General Assembly, i.e. next meeting. Amendments of these statutes may only be effected by a ballot of the General Assembly and require a majority vote of 2/3 of those present. Postal voting rights are available under these special circumstances to fully paid up members of the Society after consultation with the President or Treasurer. In the case of Dissolution, the assets of the EHRS go to the International Red Cross.


The EHRS Traditional Anthem  


The History of the Society and Histamine Research can be downloaded in PDF Format (12 MB).

The EHRS 40 Years Anniversary Poster at the Sochi Meeting can be downloaded in PDF Format (2 MB).