Jian-Sheng Lin
Prof Jean-Charles SCHWARTZ, Bioprojet , Paris
«Clinical trials with Pitolisant, a wake-promoting H3-receptor inverse agonist »
Prof Olga A. SERGEEVA, Heine-Univ. Dusseldorf
« Histamine—dopamine interactions in health and disease »
Prof Kazuhiko YANAI, Tohoku Univ., Sendai
« Neuroimaging studies in humans on the histaminergic neuron system: past, present and future »
Prof Yrjo KONTTINEN , Biomedicum Helsinki
« Non-professional histamine producing cells and H4R in immune reactions in general and in the pathogenesis of Sjögren’s syndrome in particular»
Dr Antoine ADAMANTIDIS, McGill University Montréal
« The MCH Histamine connection: a possible modulatory circuit for REM sleep ?»
Professor Jean-Charles Schwartz