Paul Chazot (Durham, UK) and Ilona Obara (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)
It is my pleasure to announce the last activity organised by the EHRS this year, which is a Festive Virtual Poster Event focused on Neuronal Histamine to be held on Thursday 16 December 2021 at 12.00 noon CET (expected duration: 1h 30min). Please save the date!
The Webinar is organized by Drs Paul Chazot (Durham, UK) and Ilona Obara (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK). See attached abstracts, programme and details on how to join. Note that you will have the chance to look at the posters ‐that will be uploaded in pdf format on the EHRS website‐ before the webinar and, as with the previous online activities, to interact and to share scientific progress and new ideas during the webinar.
We look forward to seeing you soon ʹvirtuallyʹ!
Best regards
on behalf of the EHRS
Katerina Tiligada EHRS President